Information on your passport application

To be eligible for an Australian passport the Australian Passport Office must be satisfied that you are an Australian citizen, and must confirm your identity. Accordingly, when you apply for an Australian passport you will need to provide original documents which confirm your Australian citizenship and your identity. Please note that birth extracts, commemorative certificates, photocopies and fax copies are NOT acceptable.

Your passport photos

You must provide two recent (taken in the last 6 months) identical colour photographs of yourself with your completed passport application. One of these photographs must be endorsed by your guarantor with the words “This is a true photo of (insert name)” and signed, unless you are submitting an application for a passport renewal using form PC7.

The general passport photo requirements for Australian Passport applications are very stringent, and can cause delays in the processing of an application. Please ensure you obtain a high quality photograph for your application prior to attending your appointment. Technical information on the dimensions of the photo, your actual face and expression, and other useful information can be found in the passport photo guidelines and the camera operator guidelines.

No glasses in new passport photos

Glasses are not permitted in passport photos as research has shown that glasses adversely affect passport facial matching. Matching is more accurate without glasses which further strengthens the integrity of the Australian passport.

A limited exemption for medical reasons may apply where supported by a medical certificate.

For more information visit the Australian Passports Office website.

Passport application form

Or request a form by:

How much does it cost and where do I lodge my application?

The passport interview

Adults and children applying for an Australian passport, and are not eligible to renew by mail, must be interviewed. A child's passport application must be lodged by a parent or a person with parental responsibility for the child; child applicants aged 16 or 17 must also attend but children under 16 are not required to do so.

You will need to make an appointment when applying for a passport in either Wellington or Auckland.

The interview time will depend upon the type of application. A renewal interview should take less than fifteen minutes.

The interviewer will check your application to ensure that it has been correctly completed and that the required supporting original documents have been submitted. Original supporting documents will be returned to you after sighting by the interviewer.

You will only be asked questions that relate to the application. You may be requested to submit further documents. All information provided is held in confidence.

Documents to bring to the interview

You must bring to the interview:

  1. the application form completed in black ink or online;
  2. two new colour photographs, one endorsed on the back, in black ink, by the guarantor who also completed section 11 of the application form;
  3. current or most recently issued passport;
  4. original birth certificate and citizenship certificate (if applicable);
  5. original identity documents that prove your identity (for example your current driver's licence) that shows your photo, current name, address and signature.
  6. original documents that provide proof of name changes from the name shown on your birth certificate, citizenship certificate or previous Australian passport (if applicable);
  7. the application fee.

The applicant's signature

The applicant for the passport must read and sign the declaration in the application form using black ink. The signature MUST be within the signature box. If the applicant is physically or mentally incapacitated and this prevents them signing the applicant's signature declaration, the applicant should leave the applicant signature declaration box BLANK. The applicant should also attach a letter (to their passport application form) from their medical practitioner as proof of their condition. Alternatively the person assisting with the completion of the form should complete a general declaration (B11 form).

The declaration

If the application is for a child, the declaration must be signed by a parent or person with parental responsibility for the child.
If the child is between 10 and 18 years of age, they should sign the application form. This signature will appear in the passport. Children under 10 years of age are not required to sign.

Who can be a Guarantor?

The applicant's guarantor fills in Sections 11 of the passport application form and writes directly on the back of one photo "This is a true photograph of [applicant's full name]" and signs it. Do not use sticky labels.

To avoid delays please ensure your identifier is easily contactable by telephone during normal business hours.

Your guarantor must:


Approved Occupational and Professional Groups

Please Note: A NZ Justice of the Peace can only be used if he or she is a registered Marriage Celebrant. They must indicate they are also a Marriage Celebrant, for example, "JP/Marriage Celebrant".