Employee Evaluation Template & Comprehensive Guide [+ Free Download]

43% of highly engaged employees receive weekly feedback. Utilize structured employee evaluations to drive performance and engagement, and discover how regular, meaningful feedback can transform your organization’s productivity and employee satisfaction.

Written by Nadine von Moltke Reviewed by Paula Garcia 16 minutes read

A conceptual representation of employee evaluation templates.

As taught in the Learning & Development Certificate Program 4.58 Rating

Employee evaluation templates are an indispensable tool that allows HR professionals to develop a structured approach to assessing an individual employee’s performance, growth, and potential within an organization.

Employee evaluation forms support a culture of continuous improvement, encourage open communication between employees and management, and are invaluable in identifying areas for development and aligning individual goals with organizational objectives.

This article provides a deep dive into the various methods and types of employee evaluations, as well as three free employee evaluation templates: An employee evaluation template Word doc, an employee evaluation template Excel doc, and an employee evaluation template PDF to download.

What is an employee evaluation?

An employee evaluation, also known as a performance appraisal or performance review, is a process that an organization uses to assess and measure an individual employee’s job performance, contributions, and overall effectiveness.

This assessment typically involves setting performance goals, evaluating the employee’s progress toward achieving those goals, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, providing feedback, and discussing opportunities for professional development. It’s important to note that there are many different performance evaluation templates and methodologies that HR professionals can choose from.

The right fit should be determined by what works for your organization and where you see the best results. This may require some testing and experimenting with the various options we list later in this article.

Employee performance is tied to employee evaluations

As an HR professional, you are ideally placed to develop and implement processes that drive employee performance and engagement. The statistics are universal and unambiguous: the more feedback employees receive based on evaluations, the better their performance (and the performance of the organizations they work for).

43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback at least once a week compared to 18% of employees with low engagement. 92% of people believe that constructive criticism is effective at improving performance, and Gallup even found that companies that give continuous strength-based feedback can reduce their turnover by almost 15%.

Here’s where things get interesting. According to a study conducted by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman for Harvard Business Review, 57% of employees prefer corrective feedback, significantly higher than the 43% who say they prefer only praise and recognition. It’s worth highlighting that no one in the study said they didn’t want any feedback.

The statistics show that everyone wants feedback on their performance. When asked what was most helpful in their career, 72% said they thought their performance would improve if their managers provided corrective feedback.

Accurately evaluating employee performance is key to delivering meaningful feedback. In this article, we discuss employee evaluations and review the pros and cons of various methods available to HR professionals today.

Why implement employee evaluations?

HR tip

The best performing organizations in the world are built on cultures of continuous improvement, employee engagement, and professional development. Employee evaluations are a crucial component of effective HR management.

The different methods of evaluating employees

The diversity in organizations, roles, employee needs, and evaluation objectives means that many different methods for conducting employee evaluations have been developed over the years. Let’s examine some of these methods and review the benefits and cons of each.

1. The job performance scale

A job performance scale is a standardized framework for measuring and evaluating an employee’s job performance against a set of predetermined criteria or benchmarks. It helps managers and organizations assess how well employees are meeting their job responsibilities, achieving their goals, and contributing to the organization’s overall success.

It typically consists of several performance dimensions or factors that are relevant to the employee’s role and rated on a scale. These include communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, adherence to deadlines, quality of work, and productivity.

The pros of using a job performance scale

The cons of using a job performance scale

HR tip

Even though we know any feedback is better than no feedback, it’s important that employees feel motivated. Don’t reduce an employee to a number. Ensure all feedback is meaningful.

2. The job behavior scale

A job behavior scale is a tool used in performance evaluations to measure and assess an employee’s work-related behaviors, instead of focusing solely on task-based outcomes. Job behavior scales aim to evaluate the way employees interact with colleagues, approach problem-solving, exhibit leadership qualities, adhere to company values, and demonstrate other soft skills that contribute to a positive work environment and organizational success.

An HR professional would typically choose to use a job behavior scale if they needed to measure factors such as teamwork, adaptability, communication, conflict resolution, initiative, and ethical conduct. Like the job performance scale, the job behavior scale is rated on a scale. For example, this could be numeric (e.g., 1 – 5) or descriptive (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent).

The pros of using a job behavior scale

The cons of using a job behavior scale

HR tip

Don’t let a strong focus on job behaviors lead to underestimating the importance of technical skills or task-based performance. A holistic view is crucial for an employee’s overall effectiveness.

3. Competency-based behavioral assessment

If a manager needs to evaluate performance based on an employee’s demonstration of specific competencies or skills relevant to their job role, a competency-based behavioral assessment may suit your needs.

These assessments are designed to measure both technical abilities and soft skills, such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability. The primary goal of a competency-based behavioral assessment is to determine how well an employee’s skills and behaviors align with the organization’s expectations and requirements for their position.

The scale in this type of assessment measures performance against the organization and manager’s expectations and will typically include measures such as ‘below expectations,’ ‘meets expectations,’ or ‘exceeds expectations.’ Managers may also provide qualitative feedback to further explain the employee’s performance in each competency area.

The pros of using a competency-based behavioral assessment

The cons of using a competency-based behavioral assessment

HR tip

Successfully defining and measuring the competencies that align with organizational objectives requires a thorough understanding of job requirements and the skills needed for success in various roles. As an HR professional, you are well-positioned to add tangible value to your organization.

4. Psychological appraisals

In the context of employee performance evaluations, psychological appraisals refer to assessments that focus on an individual’s psychological traits, attitudes, and behaviors in relation to their work performance. These typically examine factors such as personality traits, emotional intelligence, cognitive abilities, motivation, and stress management.

The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the mental and emotional factors that may influence an employee’s job performance, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being in the workplace. Once this is established, organizations can tailor training and development opportunities to individual needs and create a work environment that promotes employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

The pros of using psychological appraisals

The cons of using psychological appraisals

HR tip

Ensure that psychological assessments are conducted with transparency, respect for employee privacy, and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

5. 360-degree appraisals

The primary goal of a 360-degree appraisal is to provide a well-rounded perspective on an employee’s performance, skills, and behaviors. To achieve this, 360-degree appraisals gather feedback from multiple sources, including direct supervisors, peers, subordinates, and even external stakeholders, such as clients or vendors.

In some cases, the employee also conducts a self-assessment as part of the process. This approach helps to reduce potential biases and blind spots that can result when evaluations are based solely on the opinions of one person, such as a direct supervisor.

The pros of using 360-degree appraisals

The cons of using 360-degree appraisals

HR tip

360-degree appraisals can be the best performance tool at your disposal if handled correctly. Ensure no feedback is misinterpreted or taken out of context. Instead, ensure that feedback participants communicate clearly and constructively.

Types of employee evaluations

1. General employee evaluation

What it is: A traditional evaluation in which an employee’s performance is assessed by their manager or supervisor.

When to use it: Generally, employee evaluations can be held annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, depending on your organization’s needs and how often you want to give employees feedback.

The benefits: This is a useful assessment if the goal is to discuss an employee’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

2. 30-60-90 day review

What it is: A structured employee evaluation process that is typically used for new hires during their first three months in a new role. It can also be used for newly promoted employees.

When to use it: When a new hire joins your organization. The purpose of this review is to assess the employee’s progress, offer feedback, and set expectations at specific intervals during the initial onboarding and integration period.

The benefits: This process ensures a smoother, more successful onboarding process. It also boosts employee longevity because onboarding tends to set the tone for the employee’s experience at an organization.

3. Peer review

What it is: Colleagues are asked to provide feedback on an employee’s performance.

When to use it: To track how a project team is progressing. Best used to gain a comprehensive understanding of each project member’s contributions and areas for improvement, specifically focusing on each individual’s performance, collaboration, and communication skills.

The benefits: Peers often have a different perspective on an employee’s work and may notice aspects that a manager might not. This can be a valuable tool to streamline and improve a team’s performance to ensure they meet project goals and deadlines.

4. Objective-based evaluation

What it is: Assessment that measures an individual against goals tied to organizational or departmental targets or individual objectives set by the employee and their manager.

When to use it: An objective-based evaluation should be used when measuring an individual’s performance against specific, predetermined goals or targets to assess their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes and to identify areas for improvement.

The benefits: Objective-based evaluations offer clear expectations, quantifiable results, reduced bias, improved performance, goal-setting opportunities, increased motivation, and enhanced communication between employees and evaluators.

5. Employee self-evaluation

What it is: Employees are asked to evaluate their own performance, usually by completing a questionnaire or writing a reflection on how they work.

When to use it: Self-evaluation templates should be used when encouraging employees to reflect on their performance, accomplishments, and areas for improvement.

The benefits: This method can help employees identify their strengths and weaknesses and take ownership of their professional development. Self-evaluations encourage employees to take responsibility for their performance and achievements and open up communication channels with supervisors and managers.

Free employee evaluation templates

Employee evaluations are essential for providing feedback, recognizing achievements, and setting future goals. Here, you’ll find a selection of free templates in various formats to suit your needs.

Employee evaluation form: Word

This employee evaluation template in Word simplifies the evaluation process in companies of different sizes, promoting consistency and transparency in assessing employee performance.

Employee evaluation form template in Word.

Employee evaluation form: Excel

This Excel employee evaluation form is highly customizable and practical. It provides a clear framework for reviewing employee performance on a regular basis.

Employee evaluation form template in Excel.

Employee evaluation form: PDF

Easy to print and use, this employee evaluation template in PDF helps streamline the evaluation process, ensuring consistency and clarity in assessing employee performance.

Checklist: Best practices for creating and implementing employee evaluations

Checklist: Creating and Implementing Employee Evaluations.

As an HR professional, use this handy checklist as a resource when selecting, personalizing, and implementing employee evaluations.

  1. Have you clearly communicated the evaluation criteria? All evaluation assessments are more successful when employees and managers understand the purpose and expectations of the evaluation process.
  2. Is there fairness and transparency throughout the evaluation process? It’s important to foster trust, encourage open communication, and ensure that employees feel valued and supported in their development.
  3. Have you included clear expectations? Assessments are far more successful in directing future employee behavior when an employee understands what is expected of them.
  4. Have you developed a structured system that allows for consistent performance reviews? The goal is to promote consistency through regular feedback, enabling better comparisons and tracking of employee progress over time.
  5. Does feedback emphasize strengths and areas for improvement? Employees can only improve their performance if they understand where their strengths lie (and how these support business objectives) and where there are areas for improvement. Emphasizing strengths also boosts morale.
  6. Do employees provide input into the evaluation process? Evaluations are far more meaningful when an employee is empowered and encouraged to engage with the process. This ensures a more comprehensive understanding of their performance and development needs.
  7. Is feedback from previous evaluations analyzed? Regularly review the feedback on previous assessments to identify areas for improvement.
  8. Are evaluations tied to career development? Tying evaluations to career development motivates employees to improve, aligns their goals with organizational objectives, and helps retain top talent by promoting growth opportunities.
  9. Are evaluations used to identify learning and development opportunities?Learning and development goals will be far more targeted and successful if they are tied to assessments.
  10. Is data used to monitor employees’ performance over time? Using data enables objective assessment, tracks progress, identifies trends, and informs targeted development efforts to enhance performance.
  11. Are evaluations kept confidential? Not only is confidentiality important to protect employee privacy and ensure legal compliance with local regulations, but it also fosters trust and maintains a respectful work environment.

HR tips to help managers conduct an effective employee evaluation

As an HR professional, you can play an integral role in designing effective employee assessments and supporting managers and employees to ensure employee evaluations remain fair and beneficial.

To conclude

As we’ve highlighted throughout this article, there are many different employee evaluation assessments and templates available for HR professionals to use and adapt to their organization’s unique and diverse needs.

You play a pivotal role in helping to determine the most suitable assessment approach, which may change as organizational or project needs change. Keep factors like organizational culture, objectives, and employee dynamics top of mind when assessing and selecting the best approach.

By skillfully selecting and implementing the most appropriate employee evaluation method, you can effectively support your organization in driving performance, fostering employee growth, and ultimately ensuring a thriving and prosperous workforce well-equipped to navigate the challenges of an ever-evolving business landscape.


What is an employee evaluation?

An employee evaluation is a formal assessment in which an employer reviews an employee’s job performance, skills, and overall contributions to the organization. It typically involves measuring achievements against set objectives, providing feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and setting future goals. This process often includes a written review and a meeting between the employee and their supervisor

What is an employee evaluation form?

An employee evaluation form is a structured document used by employers to record and assess an employee’s performance. It typically includes sections for rating various aspects of job performance, providing feedback, and setting future goals. The form ensures a consistent evaluation process and facilitates documentation and communication between the employee and their supervisor.

What is the most common form for employee evaluation?

The most common form for employee evaluation is the performance appraisal form. This form usually includes a mix of quantitative ratings and qualitative feedback on various performance criteria such as job knowledge, quality of work, productivity, teamwork, and communication. It often incorporates sections for employee self-assessment, supervisor comments, and goal-setting for future performance.